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Latin America

ISBN 1590480236

Adventures in Mexico, George Ruxton - Considered one of the finest travel accounts of its era, “Adventures in Mexico” describes the equestrian exploits of its famous author, George Ruxton, a young British army officer who rode from the port of Vera Cruz to the fabled walls of Santa Fe, Mexico in 1847.
It is a true tale of rough adventure filled with detailed descriptions of Indians, Mexicans, and Americans. When the English horseman met famed Mexican General Santa Ana, for example, he caustically noted that his host was short, overweight, sported a peg leg, and married to a woman many years his junior.
Social commentary aside, the book is packed with adventurous deeds. At times Ruxton exhibits a fearlessness which borders on insanity. He ignores dire warnings, rides through deadly deserts, and dares murderers to attack him. It is a delightful and invigorating tale of a time and place now long gone.
Go to Amazon.co.uk or Barnes & Noble

ISBN 1590480414

The Courage to Ride, Ana Beker - The world of equestrian travel seldom recognizes international borders, being content to urge its mounted adherents to ride where they will. Few people better symbolize this ancient philosophy of unrestricted freedom than Ana Beker.
The only child of Lithuanians who had immigrated to Argentina, Beker grew up surrounded by horses on the vast, wind-swept pampas. Her earliest memories were centered around these four legged friends. She literally grew up in the saddle, ignoring the traditions of the male oriented society which said that a woman’s place was by the hearth, not in the saddle.
History might have been content to let her stay in her homeland, until a fateful meeting changed her fate forever. In the early 1940s Beker heard a lecture given by Aime Tschiffely, who had himself ridden from Argentina to Washington DC ten years earlier. When the famous horseman scoffed at the young girl’s idea to ride alone even further than he had, from Argentina to Canada, Beker accepted Tschiffely’s challenge, mounted up, and never looked back.
What followed was an equestrian journey of Homeric proportions. With her eyes always on the horizon, Beker began a 17,000 mile mounted odyssey that would fix her place in the annals of equestrian travel history. Amply illustrated, “The Courage to Ride” is thus not only a thrilling adventure tale, it is also a true account of a wild heart that would not be conquered.  Go to Amazon.co.uk or Barnes & Noble


ISBN 1590481739

Cucumber Sandwiches in the Andes, John Ure - No-one who wasn’t mad as a hatter would try to take a horse across the Andes by one of the highest passes between Chile and the Argentine. That was what John Ure was told on his way to take up his diplomatic posting with the British Embassy in Santiago in the early 1970s.

Disregarding the sceptics, the author prepared to ride across the hazardous mountains by studying accounts of those who had travelled in earlier centuries. An excellent example was the indomitable Lady Cochrane who was pursued across the Andes by Spanish troops in 1820.   John Ure provides exciting passages from these historical tales.

“Lady Cochrane rushed onto the bridge, but when in the centre the vibration became so great that she was compelled to lie down, pressing her child to her bosom, suspended over the foaming torrent below. In this perilous situation, Pedro begged of her to lie still, and as the vibration ceased, crept on hands and knees towards her ladyship, taking from her the child and imploring her to remain motionless… they happily succeeded in crossing, when the ropes being cut, the torrent was interposed between her and her pursuers.”

Armed with this historical knowledge, the Long Rider author and several comrades made their own remarkable journey. Although they did not encounter Lady Cochrane’s trembling bridge, they had problems of their own - how many mules, for example, do you need to carry 540 eggs, a storm tent and hay for six horses?

Fans of equestrian travel and Latin America will be enchanted by this delightful book .

Sir John Ure has enjoyed a diplomatic career in which he was ambassador to countries as diverse as Cuba, Brazil, and Sweden. He has written several books including In Search of the Nomads and Prince Henry the Navigator. He was chairman of the judges of the prestigious Thomas Cook/Daily Telegraph Travel Book of the Year award and is a regular contributor to both the Times Literary Supplement and the Sunday Telegraph.  Go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon.co.uk.


ISBN 1590481615

A Lady's Ride Across Spanish Honduras in 1881, Mary Lester - Few Englishmen, and still fewer women, had ridden from the Pacific port of Ampala, over  the mountains of Honduras, to the Atlantic in the late nineteenth century. Yet that is what the refined Mary Lester set out to do.

The intrepid traveller was laboring under a handicap as reliable maps were rare and what verbal advice was on offer turned out to be dubious and out of date. Yet such inconveniences did nothing to dampen the adventurous spirit of the lady who preferred to ride under the pseudonym “Maria Soltera.”

Regardless of what they called her, the people in Honduras soon leaned to respect the courage and determination of the foreign Long Rider.  “I do not fear hardship,” she told them, “as I am the daughter of an English soldier and circumstances have compelled me to depend on myself.”

Lester wasn’t making an idle boast. In excellent Spanish, she haggled over saddles, hired mules, deflated bullies and outwitted nefarious guides. She was, in a word, a fire-cracker whose combustible ride across the verdant mountains is still a tale to remember.

Thus “A Lady’s Ride Across Spanish Honduras” is a gem of a book, with its entertaining account  of Mary’s vivid, day to day life in the saddle. Yet the hardy amateur author was a keen observer who noted the exotic animal life, social customs, and political conditions of a jungle-trail-world that belonged to that simpler age.

Complete with drawings from her journey, Lester’s colourful writing brings the “lost” civilization of Spanish Honduras back to life more than a century later.  For more information, please go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon.co.uk.

ISBN 1590481674

Mancha y Gato Cuentan sus Aventuros ("The Tale of Two Horses" in Spanish) - Es un libro que The Long Riders' Guild Press ofrece a los niños: está escrito para ellos.  Los mil episodios plenos de aventura y de sana emoción que se sucedieron durante los dos años que duró el arriesgado viaje están narrados, como se hace en las fábulas, por Mancha y Gato: ellos mismos relatan sus peripecias.
Era un maestro de escuela que ambicionaba realizar una gran empreso. ¿Cuál podia ser?
Su espíritu romántico, con algo de aventurer y no poco de héroe, lo espoleaba de continuo. Se decidió por fin.
Aimé Tschiffely era entre nosotros uno de esos extranjeros con corazón argentino: amaba lo nuestro, y, como algo muy nuestro, al “caballito criollo”. Formuló un aserto y se propuso demostrarlo: “El caballo criollo argentino es de una guapeza y resistencia a toda prueba – dijo – y no cede a ninguno en el trabajo duro y continuardo en cualquier condición”.
Para demonstralo eligió a Mancha y Gato, y llevado por ellos unió en un raid sin precedentes en los anales de la equitación, las dos extremas capitales de las repúblicas americanas: Buenos Aires y Wáshington. Confió, como él mismo lo dice, su salud y aun su vida al generoso y noble aguante de estos dos caballos, hijos de la Patagonia.
Ni la humedad insalubre de las selvas tropicales y de las regiones lacustres y pantanosas, ni el sol abrasador de los desiertos ni los precipicios y ventisqueros de las montañas ni el hambre ni la sed ni el frío fueron suficientes para debilitar el entusiasmo del hombre ni para doblegar el aguante de sus dos caballos. Mancha y Gato llevaron a su dueño hasta la meta después de un recorrido de 18.000 kilómetros. Odisea admirable que sólo pudieron realizar la voluntad de un idealista y la guapeze del “caballito criollo”.  Go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon.co.uk

ISBN 159048018X

Riding Across Patagonia, Lady Florence Dixie - When asked in 1879 why she wanted to travel to such an outlandish place as Patagonia, the author replied without hesitation that she was taking to the saddle in order to flee from the strict confines of polite Victorian society.
“Palled with civilization and its surroundings, I wanted to escape to some place where I might be as far removed from them as possible. A longing grows up within one to taste a more vigorous emotion than that afforded by the monotonous round of society’s so-called pleasures,” Dixie wrote.
“Riding Across Patagonia” tells the story of how the aristocrat successfully traded the perils of a London parlor for the wind-borne freedom of a wild Patagonian bronco. Her equestrian exploits became legendary. One of the first Europeans to ride Criollo horses, on one occasion Lady Dixie escaped from a rampaging prairie fire by riding directly through the flames!
Long considered a classic of equestrian travel, Lady Dixie’s book is illustrated with pen and ink drawings that show her mounted entourage during the course of their remarkable adventures.   Go to Amazon.co.uk or Barnes & Noble

ISBN 1590480120

The Tale of Two Horses, Aimé Tschiffely - In the world-famous travel book, "Tschiffely's Ride", the Swiss author recounted how he and his two Criollo horses, Mancha and Gato, set off from Argentina in 1924, bound for faraway Washington DC.  Their legendary 10,000 mile ride took them through the mountains and jungles of South and Central America, where they encountered a host of adventures, including rope bridges, vampire bats, sand storms, treacherous mountains, quicksand and hostile natives!
Now here is the same story but delivered with a new twist.  For the first time in history, the story is narrated by the two equine heroes, Mancha and Gato.  Their unique point of view is guaranteed to delight children and adults alike.
With a preface by famed horseman R.B. Cunningham Graham, "The Tale of Two Horses" is amply illustrated with drawings by the author.  No equestrian travel collection could be considered complete without this wonderful book!  Go to Amazon.co.uk or Barnes & Noble

ISBN 1590480147


This Way Southward, Aimé Tschiffely - Tschiffely rides again ! But this time in a 30 horse-power Ford.
The most famous equestrian explorer of the twentieth century decides to make a perilous journey across the  Atlantic. His mission? To return to his old haunts in South America and undertake a harrowing 7,000 mile journey through Argentina, across the inhospitable regions of Tierra del Fuego and over the majestic Andes mountains.
One of the finest travel writers of his day, Tschiffely packs his story with a host of adventures and colourful characters including riding with gauchos and staying with the legendary Ona Indians. In addition “This Way Southward” details the adventurer’s emotional last meeting with his two legendary Criollo horses, Mancha and Gato. These were the equine heroes Tschiffely had ridden for 10,000 miles in 1925 from Argentina to Washington DC, and who were now living in retirement on the wild South American pampas.
Lavishly illustrated with maps and numerous photographs taken by the author, “This Way Southward” is a rare treat for anyone interested in the travels of this famous traveller. No equestrian travel collection is complete without this famous classic.  Go to Amazon.co.uk or Barnes & Noble for more information.

ISBN 1590480708



Through Five Republics on Horseback, G. W. Ray - Many places come to mind when one thinks of the dangerous and unexplored places of the nineteenth century world. Africa and Tibet, for example, both challenged brave explorers in that previous age. Yet one continent, though often overlooked, offered all the adventure a daredevil could want. South America was still politically unstable and geographically challenging.
It was exactly for these reasons that George Whitfield Ray came sailing into Buenos Aires in 1889. A Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, Ray was a part-time missionary and full-time adventure junky. Within a short time he had managed to acquire a job as “Official Explorer for the Bolivian Government”. Shortly thereafter he began a series of explorations and misadventures which still make for hair-raising reading.
Ray’s account of his South American travels, “Through Five Republics on Horseback”, was gathered from his years spent exploring the untouched interior, visiting unknown tribes, and making careful observations of native life in a host of countries.
Yet it was his equestrian adventures that made Ray justly famous.  On his most noted horse trip into the interior, the equestrian explorer set out to find a lost tribe of sun-worshipping natives who resided in the unexplored forests of Paraguay. The journey was so brutal that it defies belief. The horses were repeatedly attacked by vampire bats, thousands of which lived in nearby jungle caves. Then Ray and his horses were reduced to sucking dew off leaves to survive. By the time he discovered the tribe, Ray’s clothes were in rags, held together by horse hair thread. The intrepid American did eventually ride back to civilization, but not without paying a price for his boldness. He lost two toes to blood-sucking insects whose bites also caused much of the flesh on his feet to rot off.
Long considered a classic of equestrian travel, “Through Five Republics on Horseback” is amply illustrated with classic photographs, as well as drawings that Ray made during the course of his remarkable adventures.  Go to Amazon.co.uk or Barnes & Noble.

ISBN 159048035X


Through Mexico on Horseback, Joseph Goodwin - At first glance one may wonder how qualified were the two young men who set off from a Texas border town bound for Mexico City in 1931. The author, Joseph Goodwin was a Yankee with an itchy foot and a taste for peril. In contrast to this homespun hero was his companion, Robert Horiguichi, the sophisticated, multi-lingual son of an imperial Japanese diplomat.
To say these two mismatched, would-be equestrian explorers were unprepared for the deserts, quicksand and brigands they encountered in the Mexican wilderness would be a mild understatement. Luckily before leaving the Lone Star state they had procured what they believed were all the necessities for explorers, including a canteen, an old pistol, and a typewriter to chronicle their soon-to-be-famous equestrian escapades.
Along with their mustangs, Pistole and Negra, the amateur adventurers set out to prove that the dangers of the road were as welcome as the pleasures, something for which they did not have to wait long to discover. In one particularly harrowing episode, they were surrounded, shot, and nearly kidnapped by an armed band of Mexican bandits.
“Through Mexico on Horseback” is thus both a stirring tale of high adventure, as well as a look back at a more innocent time in a now-bygone world.   Go to Amazon.co.uk or Barnes & Noble

ISBN 1590480112

Tschiffely's Ride, Aimé Tschiffely - No one knew they were looking at a hero and his two horses.  Instead the local press derided him as "a lunatic proposing to ride overland to New York."

The time was 1925. The place, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Standing on the threshold of equestrian travel history was a young Swiss Long Rider named Aimé Tschiffely. Next to him were his two faithful Criollo horses, Mancha and Gato. Their collective goal was to ride more than ten thousand miles from Buenos Aires to New York. No one had ever attempted such a journey. Everyone thought Tschiffely was mad.

Looking back on what would become the most famous equestrian journey of the modern age, it is difficult to believe that anyone doubted the abilities of the legendary Long Rider and his hardy horses. Yet the school teacher who became an equestrian explorer had been told he was too inexperienced, his horses too old, and the journey too difficult.

What Aimé Tschiffely was told was wrong.

This is the story of the greatest equestrian epic of the twentieth century, a journey that came about because a man and his horses refused to quit - ever! During the course of their travels Tschiffely, Mancha and Gato crossed deadly deserts, passed through jungles, traversed sky-high mountain passes - and rode on. They were assailed by vampire bats, mistaken for gods and navigated the Panama Canal - but rode on.

Nothing stopped them. No one since has rivalled their accomplishments.

Often imitated but never outdone, this timeless book remains the most beloved equestrian travel classic of all time. So saddle up for the ride of a lifetime. But beware: the story of Tschiffely's Ride has inspired five generations to take to the saddle in search of mounted adventure.   For more information, please go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon.co.uk


Tschiffely's Ritt, A. F. Tschiffely - Niemand, der sie ansah, war sich bewusst, daß dies ein Held und seine zwei Pferde waren. Stattdessen verspottete die Lokalzeitung den jungen Mann als “einen Irren, der vorhat, quer durchs Land nach New York zu reiten.” Wir schrieben das Jahr 1925. Der Ort: Buenos Aires, Argentinien.

Ein junger Weitreiter namens Aime Tschiffely war dabei, in die Geschichte des Wanderreitens einzugehen. Neben ihm seine zwei treuen Criollopferde, Mancha und Gato. Ihr unglaubliches Vorhaben bestand darin, über zehntausend Meilen von Buenos Aires nach New York zu reiten. Niemand hatte jemals solch einen Ritt versucht. Alle waren der Meinung, Tschiffely sei verrückt.

Wenn man auf dieses, nun als berühmtesten Ritt des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts bekanntes Unterfangen, zurückblickt, kann man sich nur schwer vorstellen, dass Jemand an den Fähigkeiten des legendären Tschiffely und seiner zähen Pferde zweifelte. Aber dem Lehrer, der zum berittenen Abenteurer wurde, versicherte man, er sei zu unerfahren, seine Pferde zu alt und die Reise zu schwierig.

Was man Aime Tschiffely versicherte war falsch.

Dies ist die Geschichte des grössten berittenen Abenteuers unserer Zeit, einer Reise, die zustande kam weil ein Mann und seine Pferde sich weigerten, jemals aufzugeben. Auf ihrem Ritt überquerten Aime, Manch und Gato tödliche Wüsten, schlugen sich durch Dschungel, kletterten über Bergpässe in schwindelnder Höhe – und ritten weiter. Sie wurden von Vampirfledermäusen angegriffen, für Götter gehalten, navigierten durch den Panamakanal – und ritten weiter.

Niemand hat jemals ihre Errungenschaften underm Sattel oder auf Papier übertroffen.

Oft imitiert aber nie übertroffen, ist und bleibt diese zeitlose Erzählung die beliebteste in der Geschichte des Wanderreitens. Aber Vorsicht! Tschiffely’s Ritt hat schon fünf Generationen inspiriert, sich auf der Suche nach Abenteuer in den Sattel zu schwingen.  Mehr information hier.

Vanished Arcadia

ISBN 1590481801


Here is a tale of remarkable drama and supreme sacrifice, a story discovered by one of the world’s greatest writers deep in the jungles of South America.

Cunninghame Graham, a lifelong champion of the down-trodden, dedicated his literary genius to telling the forgotten story of the Guarani natives, a people converted to Christianity and then betrayed into slavery.

By the mid-1700s European Jesuit priests had converted an estimated one hundred thousand Guarani natives and used their labour to organize a vast theological empire within the borders of Portuguese Brazil. These immense Jesuit-controlled estates raised enormous herds of animals and produced valuable crops which were exported back to Europe, while maintaining schools and churches which taught arts and theology to the natives. After nearly two hundred years of mutual effort, the Guarani and Jesuits had achieved what was described as a ‘golden era’ of peace and progress.

Yet this same wealth, brought about by peaceful means, inspired the envy and resentment of the secular Europeans living in the surrounding countryside. In what would today be described as an act of ethnic cleansing, the Guarani natives were attacked by Spanish and Portuguese troops. Thousands of natives were enslaved, the missions destroyed and the Jesuits driven out.

This is the profound story of those innocents massacred in the name of political domination, written by a master-story teller, which inspired the movie “The Mission.”

For more information go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon.co.uk

ISBN 1590481496



Viaje a Caballo, William MacCann - El mundo era un lugar totalmente distinto cuando William MacCann partió de Gran BretaZa para andar a caballo en 1848.

Méjico y los Estados Unidos estaban envueltos en una sangrienta guerra de bordes. Oro fue descubierto en California, despertando la mayor estampida por oro en la historia de la humanidad, y revoluciones políticas eran fermentadas en Europa, donde una abierta revolución comenzaba en Hungría poco después de Klart Marx.

Mientras las tensiones políticas eran muy altas, el compositor alemán Richard Wagner estaba trabajando en su famosa opera “The Ring of the Nibelung”, y un colegio experimental para mujeres era fundado en Londres. Dentro de éste mundo turbulento anduvo a caballo el joven William MacCann.

Sabemos realmente poco respecto a MacCann basado en sus escritos, excepto que tenía un ojo agudo por la observación y era un explorador ecuestre por excelencia.

Habiendo partido a América del Sur al comienzo de los aZos 1840, determinó explorar Argentina extensivamente a caballo, ¡y que exploración hizo!

El libro original de MacCann abarcó el estudio de historia, literatura, política, economía , arte, filosofía y sucesos actuales. Éste volumen masivo, que documenta su jornada peculiar, combina asimismo descubrimientos geográficos, observación científica y aventura personal.

Pero fueron sus aventuras ecuestres las que son el objeto mayor de este estudio. Este científico amateur, convertido en explorador, fue un talentoso hombre a caballo cuyas agudas observaciones de las costumbres argentinas continúan muchos aZos más tarde, siendo claras como un cristal . Desde sillas de montar a arneses, métodos de entrenar y estilos de montar, MacCann tomó notas de lo que ahora es una cultura ecuestre largamente olvidada.

Entonces aquí va una abreviada edición de la gigantesca composición de MacCann, una edición especial en espaZol en la cual remarca la búsqueda por aventura de este fantástico explorador de las pampas salvajes de la hermosa Argentina.   Visitar   Amazon.com     Amazon.co.uk


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